What are the major issues facing your county?

I believe growth is our major issue. As a land owner myself and as an elected official, I recognize that while our county’s strength is primarily agriculture, jobs and new industry are important to our growth. Morally I hope as a county we can balance both together.

Why are you the best-qualified candidate?

I am seeking re-election as Morrow County Clerk of Courts for several reasons. My family is fifth generation Morrow County and I have held the office for two terms with major positive changes to the Clerk of Courts office and procedures.

These changes have allowed the Judges to get case files in a very timely manner: in fact, in most cases – on the same day. We installed a scanning system so that our Judges can open the docket in- house and view them without the file. That means a faster file review, providing less stress because of time restraints.

Over $65,000 has been spent, with money not from general fund, but with money generated from the Auto Tile department. This fund was increased by contracting with an outside Dealership to bring their business to us. The Clerk of Courts is the keeper of the dockets, with changes to the computer system, not only does it secure but permits us to continue our goals. My goals are to offer a program that allows our citizens to view public cases on- line.

I ask for the votes that will permit me to continue our work in our county clerk’s office – to the benefit of our tax payers.

What else would you like to say to voters?

Know that we are working hard, big changes have been made to the Clerk’s office. We work with thousands of files a year and even with an increased work-load, we remain current and deal with our public in a professional, respectful way.

Get out and vote.


Staff report