Career tool in place at CL schools

Cardington-Lincoln School District Superintendent Brian Petrie explained the Career Advising Policy to members of the Board of Education during their regular meeting on September 14.

Petrie said he had conferred with both Cara Strine, high school guidance counselor and Jennifer Zierden, director of Digital Assessments concerning the policy which assists students in choosing careers at an early stage in their public school careers. The eight point policy offers grade level examples that link students’ school work to one or more career fields by initially implementing the Career Connections Learning Strategies offered by the Ohio Department of Education. The policy helps to identify students who are at risk of dropping out of school and develops a Student Success Plan for each at risk student. Petrie briefly reviewed each of the eight points before the board approved the policy.

District Treasurer Jon Mason, giving the report on the Permanent Appropriations at the Fund Level for Fiscal Year 2016, noted that information he had distributed to board members was “everything from general fund down to elementary guidance grant, the new one- the title grants are in there.” He said the permanent appropriations (as opposed to temporary at the beginning of the year to allow for spending) are what is expected for the full fiscal although he expects some to be modified (Class of’s and CHIP grants) during the year. “We’re off and running,” he said, noting that “these would be filed with the county auditor.”

Supt. Petrie noted that ‘thank you’s have been received from scholarship recipients.”

The board approved creation of an account for the Robotics Club, a student activity fund. Also approved were the following transfers of funds: From the Classes of 2011, 2012 and 2013 to the Class of 2017; From the Class of 2015 to the Class of 2016; From the OWA fund to Robotics; from Intermediate Student Council to Intermediate Support; from the French Club to Spanish Club; From Trekkies to High School Support; from Pirate Treasures to Intermediate Support; from the Ski Club to HS support and from Teen Institute to JH Spirit Club.

Supt Petrie gave an update on Enrollment and said Open Enrollment ends on September 30.

Commenting on the opening of the Tomorrow Center in the former Intermediate building, Petrie said,“Any particular school building is going to have disciplinary items where you may have things that get broken. I would caution the public to go over and visit a couple times a week. Its important to me that there a certain amount of respect is paid… that this building is in great shape – that’s part of the relationship that we have with this school, that they will communicate with us – it’s part of the hiccups in getting things up and running – in the halls there you see kids that are happy,” he said and noted “A couple of people approached me asking about things that have happened in there. I want to answer towards those things.”

Board President Chuck Jones said, “People are glad to have the building occupied again after sitting empty for two years. A lot of people understand there is teaching and learning that we didn’t have for two years – good to see the U S flag flying there again. It’s a big move – they deserve to receive learning like anybody else.”

Board member Marilyn Davis commented on attending the open house and was impressed with the pictures drawn by the students.


The board approved the retirement/resignation of Marty Minturn, effective September 20, 2015. Supt. Petrie complimented Minturn, a 14 -year employee, “for being a great cheerleader.”

The board approved the MOESA substitute teacher list. Also approved were the administrative consultation services for Resident Educator Coordinator Jeannine Tupps at $40 per hour.

Also approved was severance pay for Neil Swonger, certified employee, in the amount of $1118.46. The board approved the one to one preschool aide position at six hours a day, four days a week.

The following classified substitutes were approved: Kira Grimm, Jennifer Alexander and Joyce Williams, sub aides; Daniel Court, Jennifer Alexander and Joyce Williams, sub custodians and Linda Brown, sub secretary.

Classified employees approved were: Randy Miller, 12 months, 8 hrs/day, custodian; Christine Drury, five days/week/ seven hours/day, aide; Gay Tharp, five days/week; assistant cook; 3.25 hours/day; and Brock Sherman, five days/week, eight hours/day, custodian.

Supplemental contracts were approved for Danielle Castillo-Vila, Spanish Club; John Brehm, Marching Band, Pep Band, and Show Choir; Katie Porteus, Book Club; Angie Crissinger, JH Student Council; Jennifer Price, “In the Know,” and Social Studies Department Chair; Jodi Adams, Robotics Club; and Science Department Chair; Alison Kyrk, National Honor Society, Tracey Williamson, Drama Director-Fall Play; Kirsten Ebert, high school student council and Spirit Club; Beau Wolford and Angie Crissinger, Bus Monitors; Donna Kill and Troy King, Washington DC Trip advisor; Ginger Holloway, JH Spirit Club; Angi Bush, Junior Class Advisor; Jamie Edwards, Head Girls basketball; Rodney Brown, head boys basketball; Bill Long, boys bowling; Tim Edgell, girls bowling; Colton Bowers, varsity wrestling; Nathan Strome, varsity baseball; Tod Brininger, varsity softball; Corie Moore, varsity girls track; Todd Jolliff, varsity boys track; Amy Adams, K-6 Department Chair; Molly Clinger, English Department Chair; Shannon Byerly, Math Department Chair; Jerry Williams, physical fitness director; Angela Conley, Pirateer Yearbook and Beau Wolford, JH Science Club.

Board President Chuck Jones explained that if Tod Brininger is elected to the board of education (he is a candidate) he will volunteer as varsity softball coach and not be paid but his assistants would be.

The board approved Resident Educator Stipends for Angie Kasper, Krista Betti, Angi Bush, Kirsten Ebert, Tonya Bonnette, Donna Kill, Molly Clinger and Angie Hildebrand, the latter being a facilitator.

Nancy Burdsall was approved for presenting the Ohio Reads Program Extended days were approved for certified staff members Kara Strine, 20 days; Caroline Denzer, 15 days and Erik Kyrk,10 days, the latter being in addition to days approved for him at the June 8 meeting.

The board adjourned and entered a 54-minute executive session based on ORC 121.22(G) 1,2,3,4,5,and 6. Following that session the board adjourned at 8:54 pm.

Evelyn Long is a correspondent with the Morrow County Sentinel and can be reached at [email protected].

By Evelyn Long

for the Morrow County Sentinel