Q & A with Steve Reinhard- candidate for 87th district state representative


What are the major issues facing your county/ district and what would you do about them if elected?

There are many issues that people have expressed concern about during this campaign. I feel the major issues currently facing our district are drugs, under employment or unemployment and taxes.

The public needs to remain vigilant to let law enforcement know of drug houses or dealers in the communities. I will support law enforcement and the courts to prosecute the dealers. I will also explore opportunities for rehabilitation of addicts.

I plan to continue to reduce the personal income tax, like I did while in the Ohio House. We also overhauled the business tax system by implementing the commercial activity plan and phasing out personal property taxes. This allows manufacturing to expand in Ohio which creates jobs and develops better employment opportunities. As employment opportunities improve, this creates a stronger tax base for the community. A stronger community base will address most of the other issues people have shared.

Why are you the best qualified candidate for the position?

My goal is to continue serving the taxpayers of the 87th House District by using my prior experience as a legislator and County Commissioner. With my strong agricultural background and prior experience, I can navigate the legislative process effectively that has become complicated and difficult. Without the help of anyone in Washington D.C., I helped balance four state budgets in tough economic times. I also helped pass the largest income cut in Ohio history at that time, while increasing funding to schools.

I have continued to balance the Crawford County budget and question spending in specific areas of the county. I also sat on the steering committee of the Success Center for Crawford County, an affiliate of North Central Community College.

What else would you like to say to the voters?

I can think of no greater honor than being elected again by voters to the 87th District to the Ohio House of Representatives. I believe that voters have come to expect professionalism and experience from their government officials and I hope they recognize that I have dedicated my governmental and private career to being a fiscal conservative who works hard to insure that their tax dollars are spent wisely.

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