Jonathan Fallwell to speak at area Child Evangelism Fellowship fund-raiser


Child Evangelism Fellowship of Morrow-Ashland-Richland-Crawford-Knox counties of Ohio will hold its fundraising dinner 6:30 p.m. April 11 at Berean Baptist Church in Mansfield with Jonathan Falwell as the guest speaker.

Falwell, the son of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, is the senior pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va.

Local director Dale Baer says the club hopes to raise $25,000 for its operations.

The group has three Good News Clubs at Bellville Elementary and also has groups at schools in Lexington, Mansfield, Ontario and Shelby.

Schools looking to sign up for a Good News Club are asked to call 419-756-7799 for more information about the program.

Potential volunteers are asked to visit the group’s website ( and click on “Volunteer” and then print off the Volunteer Application Form.

“Once they have filled out the paper work then they can help at Good News Clubs, summer 5-Day Clubs and fair ministry,” Baer said. “We have six fairs that we have a tent set up at in our five county chapters. We share the Gospel with the Wordless Book and face painting at the fairs. People can attend our local trainings to help in these ways.”

Baer said those interested in full-time ministry opportunities can can 419-756-7799 for a brochure called “8 Steps to Full-Time Ministry.”

“We definitely could use more full time staff in reaching more children with the good news of Jesus,” he said. “We could also use part time help as well as County Coordinators for the ministry of CEF.”

Baer said the group has the following goals for next year:

* To have another staff worker (Patty Arvidson) actively involved in local training this summer and fall. She is presently taking her final training to give her the credentials to accomplish this.

* To hold another Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1 (30 Hour) Course this summer/fall. This course will begin on Aug. 4 and end on Oct. 20. People who take this course will be fully trained to teach a Good News Club or a summer Five-Day Club. Limited class size so registration is needed by July 21.

* To conduct a Kids Film Fest by working with local churches to show the movie “The Story of Jesus for Children” in Knox County in 2016, Morrow County in 2017 and Crawford County in 2018.

* To increase summer Five-Day Clubs to 20 clubs

* To increase Good News Clubs to 28. We would like to reach 7,000 children per year with the Gospel.

To reserve a seat for the conference, call 419-756-7799 by April 1.

About 100 kids are involved in three Good News Clubs at Bellville Elementary School. 100 kids are involved in three Good News Clubs at Bellville Elementary School.

Rev. Mike Stine of Clear Fork Alliance Church is the leader of the three Good News Clubs at the Bellville Elementary School. Lynelle Leedy teaches Kindergarten-first grade. Evelyn Williams teaches the second and third grades and Stine teaches the fourth and fifth graders and also provides leadership for all three clubs. Mike Stine of Clear Fork Alliance Church is the leader of the three Good News Clubs at the Bellville Elementary School. Lynelle Leedy teaches Kindergarten-first grade. Evelyn Williams teaches the second and third grades and Stine teaches the fourth and fifth graders and also provides leadership for all three clubs.

Jonathan Falwell Falwell

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