Selover Library issues a holiday challenge


CHESTERVILLE — Selover Public Library invites the public to participate in their Holiday Challenge. Those families who complete 8 of 12 activities by January 4 will be entered into a drawing for $50 cash.

To get an entry form, stop by the library (either inside or curbside), or visit the library’s Website at to print one at home.

Some activities are quick, such as visiting a Little Free Library, checking out a holiday book or movie, or donating to the library’s Helping Hands Drive. Others will take a little more time, such as watching Selover Library’s Online Story Time, doing a holiday craft, or creating a wreath out of toilet paper tubes for the library’s Flush Away 2020 Wreath Contest.

The one activity that is inside the library is the Hidden Holiday Hunt to find festive items hidden around the library.

Courtesy Photo Bailey, Bentley, and Millie Ulrey participate in the Hidden Holidays Hunt at Selover Library as part of the Selover Library Holiday Challenge. Photo Bailey, Bentley, and Millie Ulrey participate in the Hidden Holidays Hunt at Selover Library as part of the Selover Library Holiday Challenge.

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