Kelly given citizen commendation


Don Kelly was surrounded by family and friends on July 9 at Woodside Village Care Center in Mount Gilead as he received a commendation from the Ohio House of Representatives upon reaching his 101st birthday.

State Rep. Riordan McClain (District 87) presented the certificate and remarked that Kelly’s life and military record is remarkable. He added that his family’s desire to come out to be with him when he received the honor is also a testament to the person he is.

Kelly’s granddaughter Diana McClure, who teaches at Cardington Middle School, was glad she was able to be there since school is out for the summer. She said she was always interested in her grandfather’s record of service in the Marines and since he was reluctant to talk about it, she did quite a bit of research.

McClure found that one of the most amazing parts of his service with the Marines included the 1st Marine Raider Battalion. The Raiders spearheaded larger amphibious landings on beaches thought to be inaccessible. They conducted raids requiring surprise and high speed, and they operated as guerilla units for lengthy periods behind enemy lines as well as reinforcing other Marine battalions.

Records show Kelly participated in action against the enemy on New Georgia Island, British Solomon Islands, from July 4 to Aug. 29, 1943; and at Guadalcanal from Jan. 24 to March 17, 1944. On March 20, 1944, he participated in the seizure of Emirau Island. He also participated in action against the enemy at Guam, Marianas Islands, July 21 through Aug. 27, 1944. On July 27, 1944, he was wounded in action.

Kelly’s great-grandson Merek McClure, who has enlisted with the Marines, will soon be headed for basic training at Parris Island. Kelly said he is afraid McClure will regret his choice after he gets there. However, he realizes that McClure will be going into the Marines at a much different time than he saw in World War II when he fought in the Pacific.

The family spent the rest of the morning visiting on the front patio at Woodside with Kelly and a couple of his friends from the care facility.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel. She can be reached at [email protected].

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