MCHD, MCH team up to tackle tobacco use


The Morrow County Hospital (MCH) is a small community hospital and is the only one in Morrow County. Within 24 hours of an in-patient stay, MCH screens in-patients on their smoking status regardless of their diagnoses or reason for admission and not just those suffering from respiratory disease. During an inpatient stay, patients who smoke are offered nicotine replacement therapy to help with the craving for nicotine. Upon discharge, the respiratory therapy team provides counseling to current smokers, but there is no tobacco cessation program in place to offer patients who want to quit.

According to the Morrow County Community Health Assessment (CHA), in 2019, 13% of the county adults were current smokers. Approximately 12% of Morrow County adults have looked for a tobacco cessation program but were not successful. Having easier access to or awareness of the tobacco cessation program for adults can make a great impact in Morrow County. Particularly those that have health disparities and have had a hospital inpatient stay. In addition, of these adult smokers, 33% of them had an income of less than $25,000 per year. Therefore, having the additional knowledge of the tobacco cessation program, the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line (OTQL) program is an asset.

The OTQL program offers counseling to help any person who wants to quit smoking or the use of other tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. It is offered free to anyone in Ohio and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 1-800-Quit NOW. This program is done over the phone and nicotine replacement therapy can be sent directly to a person’s home with no associated cost.

Morrow County Health District (MCHD) was able to speak with Leslie Dye, manager of cardiopulmonary and imaging, to develop a plan upon discharge. MCHD and MCH collectively decided it would be beneficial to offer a cessation program to a patient interested in quitting smoking while they are currently discussing their health plan.

MCHD provided resource materials for the OTQL and referral forms that have been adopted into the discharge planning paperwork. Each patient who currently smokes is counseled on smoking and given the opportunity to sign up for the OTQL. If a referral is completed, it is then sent to MCHD to be faxed.

Registered respiratory therapist Marilyn Niedermier stated regarding the OTQL, “It’s an added tool instead of just educational, it’s more personalized.”

She said of the patients who want to utilize the quitline, “If you can do it right now, patients are more apt to do it, giving the patient goals.”

MCH is passionate about smoking cessation and is looking to add a certified tobacco specialist this year. Offering the OTQL program has been an addition positively impacting the way in which staff is educating and connecting with patients and will continue in the future. Through engagement and being able to offer patients additional tobacco cessation resources, MCH staff can support the needs of their patients emotionally and in an impactful way when they return home. Leslie Dye, RRT, RPSGT, RCP, stated, “It’s the convenience of a program at home.”

Although our community is small and there is a smaller number of inpatient stays, there is an average of 30% of current smokers that are being referred to the quitline. There have been over 35 people counseled with 13 referrals faxed to the quit line. We are pleased with the outcome and are hoping for it to be a continued success.

Adopting the OTQL to the discharge planning will positively impact Morrow County residences. It’s an additional tool for the already expert respiratory team to offer while guiding, educating, and offering additional emotional support as patients return to their homes and routine daily lives. Patients can continue their smoke-free journey through the support of counseling and nicotine replacement therapy from the OTQL while making an impact in their own lives. The MCHD is pleased to continue tobacco cessation as a group effort now and in the future with MCH.

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