New sign at municipal building


The Edison Village Council opened its July 8 meeting with a presentation of an appreciation certificate to Eagle Scout candidate Niles Bush.

The project for a sign came about when Bush’s scoutmaster heard from a council member that a new sign was needed for the Edison Municipal Building. Edison council members suggested it could be a good project for an Eagle Scout community badge.

Bush said he got a description of what the village council had in mind for a sign, and he went about getting materials. When he told Henry Lumber Company in Marion about his project, they donated the lumber.

Aaron Bush, Niles’ father as well as his scoutmaster, said there are two other candidates working to complete projects for their Eagle Scout badge in Troop 56. Those candidates are Chandler Burch, who made an entry ramp for Enterprise Baptist Church in Edison, and Tommy Emberg, who is finishing a project for the Mount Gilead Baptist Church.

Bush gave credit to Mount Gilead art teacher Robin Conrad, who painted both the American and Ohio flags on the sign after he had painted many coats of white paint. He added that he did the engraving of the letters with a router at Tri-Rivers Career Center where he will be a junior this fall.

In other business, several council members noted there has been some improvement in the appearance of the towing/junk yard business on state Route 95. It appears some cars and trucks have been moved, but vehicles are still not all behind the fence as required. A letter has been sent to the owner in reference to a cleanup as well as not causing traffic tie-ups on the street.

Mayor Vicki Smith said there will be only one more printed quarterly newsletter mailed to village residents because postage is too costly. She will make 25 or more printed copies available at local businesses, and the newsletter will also be available on the website and news will be on Facebook as well.

Council member Mary Swartwood is getting the final lettering for the commemorative veterans plaque for the village. The council also approved having names of veterans in the surrounding township as well as those in the village.

The council approved June bills of $29,505.49. Large amounts were for Aqua Doc-Columbus of $4,750 for the cleanup of algae in the lagoon, and $11,050 for the cleanup of property on Boundary Street. Fiscal Officer Bruce Seaburn said the $11,050 will be the responsibility of the resident.

July bills were approved for $67,895.36. Payment for half a year to the Ohio Water Development Authority was $58,828.28 for the water/sewer system and $5,563 was for required insurance for the village to Rinehart-Walters-Danner.

The August Edison council meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Aug. 11 in the Edison Municipal Building.

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