School board accepts paving bid


After examining three bids for paving of the Mount Gilead High School parking lot, the Mount Gilead Exempted Village Schools Board of Education accepted the lowest bid at a special meeting held July 19.

The lowest bid of $772,505.66 was from Park Enterprise Construction of Marion.

The amounts of other bids were $844,700 and $843,671.06. The work will be paid for by money from the Capital Improvements Fund.

District Treasurer Tina Gabler said the work is scheduled to begin in the next two weeks with paving to be done in areas/stages of the parking lot. It is anticipated the work will be completed by the time school begins.

The Mount Gilead High School parking lot has many areas which must be completely repaired. Over the years, the parking lot was patched and top sealed. That will no longer work with several new areas to be paved and other areas in need of repair. Gabler said the board decided it is basically better to start over from scratch.

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