Cardington FFA attends Camp Muskingum


On July 8, Cardington FFA members headed to Carrollton, Ohio for session five of Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum. The trip lasted five days, from July 8-13.

During their time there, members participated in various lake activities including fishing, swimming, kayaking, motor boats, and paddle boards. There were also optional sports competitions including volleyball, basketball, kickball, archery, and more. On the first and last day, members got to commemorate their time at camp with a dance.

Members also participated in many leadership and group-building activities. Before each meal, they took turns preparing their tables and attended flag ceremonies. During their last days, campers got to listen to an inspiring public speaker and partake in fun water activities. Cardington FFA had so much fun at camp!

Submitted by Cardington FFA.

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