Sautter honored with award

Terry Sautter, center, is presented with the Morrow County Democrat of the Year Award by Party Chairwoman Susan Grundy, left, and Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart, right.

On Friday, Aug. 9, the Morrow County Democratic Party hosted its 26th annual John F. Kennedy Dinner at Mount Gilead High School for its yearly fundraiser. The evening consisted of some statewide and local candidates speaking on the issues. Dinner was provided by the Morrow County Democratic Women’s Club and consisted of fried chicken, ribs, sides and desserts.

Susan Grundy, chairwoman of the Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, opened the evening with a few remarks, including honoring the Morrow County Democrat of the Year. The award was given to Terry Sautter. He dedicated his time to supporting the youth of Morrow County at events such as the annual sale at the Morrow County Fair utilizing his skills from his vocation as an auctioneer. Additionally, his auctioneering has been used for raising funds for the Democrats. Sautter is also one of the Democrats on the Morrow County Board of Elections.

The night continued with First Vice Chairman Matt Farrell leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Grundy then introduced the first featured speaker of the evening: Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart. She is running for reelection this fall after winning her seat in 2018. Her background includes being elected to two terms to Ohio’s Eighth District Court of Appeals. She stressed the importance of a balanced court as issues surrounding last year’s ballot referendum continue to circulate in the statehouse. She is facing the recently appointed Joe Deters in her race.

Lisa Forbes, candidate for one of the other two seats up for the Ohio Supreme Court, followed up by introducing herself to the crowd. She stressed emphasis on her values of community service and work ethic. A private attorney for most of her life, Forbes was elected to Ohio’s Eighth District Court of Appeals in 2020. She is facing Dan Hawkins in November.

The final speakers for the event were Tamie Wilson, running in Ohio’s Fourth Congressional District, and Craig Swartz, candidate for Ohio’s 87th House District and chair of the Rural Democrats Caucus for the Ohio Democratic Party.

Following the remarks, Sautter took forth with the yearly auction to raise donations for the party. Special thanks were given to the Morrow County Democratic Central Committee and its leadership team of Grundy, Farrell, Second Vice Chairman Mike Porter, Central Committee Secretary Lora Covrett, Executive Committee Secretary Susan DeVol and Treasurer Madeline Travis.

Quinn Maceyko is a correspondent for the Morrow County Sentinel.