Highland schools to host resident artist


Highland Local Schools is thrilled to welcome back resident artist Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld, an acclaimed creative writer, author, and multidisciplinary artist and dancer, as part of a TeachArtsOhio Grant from the Ohio Arts Council. Highland Middle School is honored to be named a recipient of this competitive grant which will provide funding for 10 days of creative, multidisciplinary learning opportunities with Chenfeld during the 2024-25 academic school year.

This project will incorporate creative writing with student movement, music, and artistic expression to encourage creativity while reinforcing vocabulary and building background knowledge. Chenfeld’s work will allow Highland to support students by exposing teachers to new ways students can access learning, improve their writing skills, and gain confidence to participate in a form of self-expression.

This TeachArtsOhio Grant is made possible in part by an investment of public funds from the Ohio Arts Council (OAC). The OAC is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally, and economically.

Highland Middle School would like to offer its heartfelt thanks to Governor Mike DeWine and members of the General Assembly for acknowledging the importance of public funding for the arts.

Submitted by the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center.

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