Village officials discuss water plant


The Mount Gilead Village Council opened its Sept. 3 meeting with a proclamation by Mayor Donna Carver designating September as National Suicide Prevention and Action Month in Mount Gilead.

Reading from the proclamation, Carver said there is an average of 132 people dying by suicide daily and each one directly impacts 100 additional people, including friends, service members, family social media connections and neighbors. Morrow County alone has had 22 suicides between 2017 and 2021.

In conclusion, Carver said, “We encourage all residents to take time to understand mental health through education and recognize that we need to take care of our mental health while we take care of each other.”

A discussion of how to proceed with water plant renovation brought up the possibility of Del-Co purchasing the Mount Gilead water plant.

Village Administrator Derek Allen reported receiving an email stating the village application for the $5 million wastewater/water grant was not included in the June 2024 round of funding. Because this grant funding isn’t available, Allen looked at possible CDBG grants. However, he said that funding schedule does not appear to fit the village plant project schedule.

Allen’s recommendation to the council was to use the remaining ODOD wastewater/water grant of $251,735 the village presently has for the design of the renovation of the water plant and to apply for a 20- or 30-year OWDA loan for $5 million for essential needs of the water plant. The present grant must be used by the end of the year. He said water rates would need to be adjusted upward over the next three years to accommodate the project.

After Allen’s presentation, council member Chris Sherbourne suggested they need to look at the recent Del-Co proposal before deciding on the village water repairs or renovation. Sherbourne noted that selling the plant to Del-Co and selling water to Del-Co should be considered.

Del-Co representatives Rick Dunlop and Glen Marzluf attended the Aug. 19 council meeting. They presented the possibility of expanding the Del-Co plant located in Knox County, just one mile across the border from Morrow County. Their plan is to expand Del-Co coverage to more communities in the area. They would like to have additional capacity from the village for expansion. They would like to talk more about sharing resources, cost and expense before making a commitment.

Allen said there is a risk of Del-Co raising rates and management would be out of village control. Tim Clapper noted that Sunbury, Waldo, and other villages in the area have used Del-Co and transferred their water business to them. He suggested it would be good to reach out to those other villages and find out about their experience with Del-Co.

Village Attorney Matthew Griffith said he will reach out to the Sunbury attorney concerning their experience with Del-Co in Sunbury. It was also suggested that the village request a written proposal from Del-Co with reference to rates.

In other business:

• Aron Frazier said Founders Day Celebration plans for Saturday, Sept. 28, are for 1-4 p.m. Activities for children and families are planned, which include a scavenger hunt and bounce house. Merchants will have sidewalk sales downtown and the band Steamtown Road will entertain.

• Mark Phillips reported for the Street Committee that it recommend he and Kay Hines attend a Gilead trustees meeting to seek assistance patching on Main Street. The committee also recommends that the village obtain a grant or a loan for work on the basketball and tennis courts in 2025. Allen said the grant application has been written.

Street and sidewalk projects for 2025 and 2026 include paving on West Center, Westview, and Bank, and village sidewalk placement where needed in 2025. Also, the village should apply for an OPWC grant in 2024 for Vine and Walnut work in 2025 and a CDBG grant for Town and Highland work in 2026.

• Allen reported municipal pool attendance for August was 2,476. Summer pool attendance was 11,911. The pool is now closed and will be winterized.

Allen thanked pool manager Robin Conrad and praised youth lifeguards and staff for their work this summer at the pool.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel. She can be reached at [email protected].

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