Morrow County Fair pays tribute to veterans

Pictured (left to right) at the Morrow County Fair on Aug. 29 are World War II veteran Ray Brenneman; Bruce Fissell, commander of Morrow County Joint Veterans Council; and Mount Gilead Mayor Donna Carver.

Courtesy | Morrow County Fair

The Morrow County Fair’s performance stage was crowded Aug. 29 as the community honored local veterans. At the opening of the program, the Highland NJROTC Color Guard presented the flag.

Retired U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Ric Lyle, who served as the emcee, welcomed fairgoers and veterans, which was followed by the invocation with Joint Veterans Council Chaplain Lawrence Combs.

The Highland High School Marching Band under the direction of Amy Arnett Tomasek played several patriotic selections, including the national anthem, “This is my Country,” and “Salute to America’s Finest.” Members of American Legion Post 97 Auxiliary placed a wreath, followed by “Amazing Grace” played by bagpiper Doug Keppler.

A reading was given by Veterans Service Office staff member Darci Hendrickson. The speaker was Brianna Tuggle, who is commander of Highland NJROTC. She preceded Bruce Fissell, commander of Morrow County Joint Veterans Council, who gave the roll call by war.

Fissell honored 99-year-old World War II veteran Ray Brenneman. At the end of the program, Steve Husmann spoke about the mission of Honor Flight that take senior veterans to Washington, DC. to see the nation’s memorials. They are also encouraged to tell their stories and to celebrate and affirm their service and homecoming.

Following the benediction with Combs, the program concluded with “Taps” played by the Highland Marching Band.

Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel.