Author visit to conclude TAC initiative


Ohio thriller author Robin Yocum will be visiting Cote Winery in Mount Gilead as the culminating event of the Tales Across Counties (TAC) reading initiative sponsored by five local libraries. This free event will be held Sept. 24 at 6 p.m.

TAC is a program hosted by the four Morrow County libraries — Cardington-Lincoln Public Library, Mount Gilead Public Library, Perry Cook Memorial Public Library in Johnsville, and Selover Public Library in Chesterville — and one Delaware County library — Wornstaff Memorial Public Library in Ashley. The goal of TAC is to have as many people as possible read and discuss the same book.

This year’s TAC selection is Yocum’s “The Sacrifice of Lester Yates.” In this crime thriller, the Ohio Attorney General Hutch Van Buren is presented with evidence that could exonerate convicted serial killer Lester Yates. Will Van Buren be able to win the battle against the clock and the political machine of which he is part to save Yates’ life?

TAC has included book discussions at the local libraries and the Forensic Book Investigation (FBI) Trail, in which participants visit all five libraries to work out clues to solve an escape room style puzzle.

Yocum’s visit on Sept. 24 will be the final activity in the TAC program. He will read from his novel and discuss his writing process and the novel’s themes. Participants will join the group discussion. Yocum will hold a book signing with books available to purchase. Light refreshments will be provided, with additional food and beverages available for purchase from Cote Winery.

Yocum is an Edgar- and Hammett-nominated author known for his fiction set in the Ohio River Valley. He is the author of six works of fiction. He joined the Columbus Dispatch in 1980. His 11 years there included six years as the senior reporter on the investigative desk.

Everyone is welcome to read “The Sacrifice of Lester Yates” and attend the evening with Yocum. The novel is available to check out at the five participating libraries and as an ebook through the Libby app.

This program was made possible in part by funding from the Ohio Arts Council.

Submitted by Selover Public Library.