Cardington FFA members attend conference

From left to right, Cardington FFA members Ava Davis, Alia Ramoneda, Bryce Hartley, and Chris Kinsey pose for a photo on the steps of the Ohio State House.

On Sept. 24, four Cardington FFA students went to the Ohio Statehouse, joining other FFA members around the state attending this year’s Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference. They spent the day learning about legislation, law, and the importance of advocating for agriculture.

The students began the event with a workshop hosted by the Ohio Farm Bureau, informing them about important issues, and teaching them to advocate for our FFA chapter and agriculture as a whole. They got to learn in depth how lobbyists and legislators work together to represent people across the state.

Around noon a luncheon was provided with the experience. Opening remarks and greetings were presented by Ohio FFA Vice President At-Large Josie Jennings and Ohio Department of Agriculture Director of Legislative Affairs Todd Thatcher. Students and attendees were then served a delicious meal including chicken, potatoes, a vegetable medley, a side salad, a roll, and a plate of various desserts.

After their lunch, various speakers were introduced by Ohio FFA Vice President Carter Boyd. Students heard remarks from Ohio 95th District Representative Don Jones, once an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor. He talked about the importance of relationships, saying, “The secret to success is relationships — and building relationships with good people — and communicating your needs through those relationships to help accomplish your goals.”

Ohio FFA President Anna Moeller spoke following Jones’ remarks.

As the luncheon came to a close, members got to spend some time with Ethan Kash, the legislative assistant to Rep. Riordan McClain. He then took us to the Rife building to visit the representative office, where we were presented certificates to commemorate our chapter and some of our members’ recent accomplishments on their SAE projects. Students also got to tour the Supreme Court of Ohio, learning about the architecture, the history of the building, and the courts operations.

With all of this newfound knowledge, the students are beyond thankful for these amazing opportunities. Our students leave our state capitol with pride and excitement to advocate for ourselves, our communities, and our passions.

Submitted by Aaron Howard, Cardington FFA.