Ohio Gov. DeWine sworn in


COLUMBUS- Mike DeWine was officially sworn in for a second term as Ohio Governor with a swearing in ceremony at the Ohio Statehouse on Monday, January 9, 2023 by his newly re-elected Supreme Court Justice son, Pat DeWine.

The official ceremony included the oath of office for Lt. Gov. Jon Husted who was sworn in by Chief Justice of Ohio Supreme Court, Sharon Kennedy. The governor’s inaugural address followed the swearing in to office. DeWine wanted to celebrate what he believes has made Ohio great- faith, family and friends which was the theme for their celebration. This will be his last official swearing in as the Ohio governor’s second term to the office.

Mike DeWine was officially sworn in for a second term as Ohio Governor with a swearing in ceremony at the Ohio Statehouse on Monday, January 9, 2023.
https://www.morrowcountysentinel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2023/01/web1_20230109_121716.jpgMike DeWine was officially sworn in for a second term as Ohio Governor with a swearing in ceremony at the Ohio Statehouse on Monday, January 9, 2023.


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